Thu AM-
4k Pursuit- Scott Catanzaro
3k Pursuit- Kristen Metherd
Thu PM-
Kilo- Sam Harbison, Chris West, Eric Young
500m TT- Ashley Pilipiszyn, Metherd
Fri AM-
Team Sprint- Metherd, Hannah Calvert, Harbison, Catanzaro, West, Young
Mens Sprint Quals- Young, West
Womens Team Pursuit- Calvert, Pilipiszyn, Metherd, Rachel Fullmer
Fri PM-
Team Sprint FINAL (2 teams- hopefully IU+ one other)
Mens Sprint finals
Womens Points Race- Metherd
Mens Points Race quals- West, Young
Womens Sprint- Calvert
Sat PM-
Mens Points race Final
Womens Sprint Final
And yes Kristen Metherd is the biggest IU participant (the max 5 events!)
I'll be driving up with open seats if anyone wants to join.
ill be there!
Friday AM should be the most interesting session if you can only make one.
is there a rule about alcohol at this event? can you bring a cooler in?
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