From Fred Rose-
Cross season is coming and I got the fever for more cowbell!
Starting Wed, Aug 17, Bloomington's Wednesday Cross Worlds begins for the 2011 season. Those wanting to hone their CX skills for the upcoming season will be meeting at Sample Gates at 6:00pm. From there we will ride to the cross course. There will be some new features for this year. Unlike previous seasons where we rode almost exclusively at the Tailgate Fields, this year we hope to mix things up by rotating through various course sites. Sites will include, Karst Farm, Twin Lakes, Tailgate Fields, (possibly other sites around campus).
The first few Wednesdays we'll concentrate on skills training: barrier dismounts, cornering etc.. After a couple of weeks of that we'll start working our way into some training races after a suitable warm up period. Races will be 45minutes long and we plan on continuing WCXW into October (or we run out of daylight!).
Thanks for organizing this Fred!
Can there be weekly post on BVN telling where this will be for those who can't always meet at 6 so they can get to the location?
IU golf course, fsho.
Yes Adam,
I've been scouting out our courses. (no IU GC is off limits). Tailgate fields will be OK briefly but will quickly deteriorate as football season gets underway.
Twin Lakes: we'll need to beat back Mother Nature there a bit. Its overgrown with a downed tree in the single track section.
Karst is fine but our track has filled in. We'll need a scouting party to help lay down fresh track (Andy, Ryan I could use help here)
I still need to scout out the Bloomington Underground course we used by Univerity Housing years ago.
For the first one, since its skills work day, let's have our first WCXW proceed at the tailgate fields. I'll bring the barriers, cones, etc... as usual.
Obviously Karst would be ideal for home course adv, but it will require people to drive out (esp as day light runs out).
I don't really recall TGF ever really degrading much, though it does seem there were several flats there at a few points in time.
I just want to make sure that people who can't make it to sample gates at 6 sharp know where the group will be.
Up the Union Steps, through the door and back out the other side.
The biggest thing with TGF isn't the course itself but the amount of glass and debris left after the football games. I really like the venue, but people get tired of flats too.
I'd like to make sure we do Karst in the weeks while we still have enough daylight. 3rd st and its bike lanes are supposed to be open any time now (but I'm not holding my breath).
We'll definitely post each week's course on BVN ahead of time. Again, next week, just prepare to ride to (or meet at) TGF.
Oh yeah, I forgot about 3rd St's road destruction. It may be a more challenging to ride out there than the ride once there! jk?
for the sake of practicing at Karst, we will run the DRT bloomingcross course similar to last year, maybe some small changes to keep it fresh.
Thanks for the update. That helps a bunch.
I rode over to Sample Gates last Wed (31st), but I was the only CX bike there at 6. Has the start location or schedule changed?
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