Aug 28, 2012

MMSF TT #8 Results 08.28.2012

Despite the students returning, only 14 riders took part in the time trial today - those IU professors must be cracking the whip!  Jonathan Atwell laid down the best time for the night, with a blazing 23.19 Merckx time!  Still far off the Merckx record (22.06 by Erik Hamilton), but he's got the best Merckx time of the season by far.  On the Women's side, Sarah Sanders shattered the Women's Merckx record with a 26.18.  Looked like tonight was the night to go Merckx with only three riders riding TT set-ups.  Thanks to Shane "Meatballs" Slaven and Sarah Sanders for timing and also to Sydney Hatten for stopping and helping out with the timing.  Good work everyone and hopefully we'll get a great turnout for the final TT in two weeks!

Full Results:

Place Name Time MPH Category
1 Johnathan Atwell 23.19 25.73 Merckx
2 Thomas Wimmer 23.41 25.33 Merckx
3 Shane Slaven 23.49 25.19 TT
4 Mark Powell 23.50 25.17 TT
5 Nick Torrence 24.02 24.97 Merckx
6 Cameron Johns 25.43 23.33 Merckx
7 Ian Boggs 26.15 22.86 TT
8 Sarah Sanders 26.18 22.81 Merckx
9 Erik Paavola 26.30 22.64 Merckx
10 Jeremy Levin 26.48 22.39 Merckx
11 Jacob Miller 26.52 22.33 Merckx
12 Tyler ? 27.19 21.96 Merckx
13 Mandy Brothers 27.47 21.60 Merckx
14 Dave T. ? 29.26 20.39 Merckx
 *note: either sweat, poor handwriting, or something else led to the last names of Tyler and Dave being un-readable, so if you know their last names, please let me know and I will correct the results!

MMSF TT #8 Tonight (Tuesday, August 28th)

Join us tonight (Tuesday, August 28th) at 7:00pm in the Morgan-Monroe State Forest for the eighth (and second-to-last) time trial of the season! After this one, there is only more left, so come and see what you can do on this 10-mile out-and-back course featuring several rolling hills and a blazing fast finish! First rider goes off at 7:00pm with subsequent riders going off at 30-second intervals. Come see if you can best your own best time and take on some good-natured competition! If you're riding out and want some company, a small group usually rolls out from behind BGI shortly after 6:00pm. And if you're looking for are the top Men's and Women's times for THIS YEAR:

TT: Jonathan Atwell 21:06
Merckx: Chris Kroll 23:55
L5 bike: Paul Smith 27:33

TT: Sarah Sanders 24:48 *Women's Course Record
Merckx: Sarah Fredrickson 27:33

Current Course Record still held by Ryan Shanahan at 20:31

Aug 22, 2012

IUSF Group Rides!

Great news - the IUSF group rides are starting again this week!  Last year there were some great turnouts, with some rides exceeding 60 riders!  All ability levels are welcome and there are multiple routes, so please feel free to join.  Loaner bikes are available from the IUSF Wilcox House, so even if you (or a friend) don't have a bike, come anyway and you can rent one.  Here's the message from Jordan Bailey, IUSF Assistant Director/Little 500 Race Coordinator:

"Starting this Friday, IUSF is hosting weekly Little 500 Group Rides leaving from the Wilcox House (1606 North Fee Lane) at 4:30 p.m. There will be a lot of riders turning out for the rides, which will be broken down into groups to fit just about every skill-level of rider. The rides are geared towards bringing the Little 500 community together for a chance to socialize, while offering a forum for new teams and riders to become acquainted with the Bloomington countryside.

This Friday, the longer option is the Forrest route (30 miles) and the shorter route will be Mel Curie (18 miles)."

Please contact Jordan Bailey (, (812)-855-1937) with any questions, or call/stop by the Wilcox House.

Aug 19, 2012

Bike Sale!!

Local strong-man Jonathan Atwell (who hold the best time of the season at the MMSF TT for this year!) is clearing out some bikes from his garage and there is plenty available for those seeking new (used) rides!  Listed are two road bikes, a mountain bike, commuter, and even a cyclocross bike!  This is a shameless use of the blog (GP did the same thing a while back...), but for Little 500 riders looking for a starter bike or upgrade some of these could be very helpful (the MTB and CX bikes could be great for training off-road over the winter too!).  Craigslist post here. Contact Jonathan Atwell with any questions!

Aug 14, 2012

MMSF TT #7 Results (08.14.2012)

We had 18 riders turn up for the TT tonight, however a flat tire prevented one rider from taking on the TT.  The weather was pretty much perfect, with cloudy skies protecting riders from the sun and mild temperatures in the 70s.  Surprisingly, there were several ties tonight - most notably a tie for the top spot between Lyle Feigenbaum and newcomer Mark Powell who just moved to town.  Both Lyle and Mark had huge PRs, dropping almost 40 seconds each off of their best times, so great job to both of them!  There was another tie for third between Chris Kroll and Alex Jerden, although Kroll was on a road bike (Merckx) and A. Jerden was on a TT set-up.  Chris Kroll's Merckx time of 23.55 is the new fastest Merckx time this season, so great job to Chris.  No surprises on the women's side with the Women's Course Record holder Sarah Sanders taking the top spot with a 25.21.  We had some other PRs as well, signalling perhaps better conditions than we've been having.  Congrats to all who came out and good luck to those competing in the USA Triathlon Age-Group National Championships this coming weekend! (from tonight's crowd, I believe that includes both Alex and Scott Jerden, Brittany Broyer, as well as Shane "Meatballs" Slaven).  Full TT results below:

Full Results:

Place Name Time MPH Category
1 Lyle Feigenbaum 23.36 25.42 TT
1 Mark Powell 23.36 25.42 TT
3 Chris Kroll 23.55 25.09 Merckx
3 Alex Jerden 23.55 25.09 TT
5 Scott Jerden 24.05 24.91 TT
6 Shane Slaven 24.24 24.59 TT
7 Josh Kush 25.02 23.97 Merckx
8 Tom Chorny 25.21 23.67 Merckx
8 Sarah Sanders 25.21 23.67 TT
10 Jeff Buchsbaum 25.55 23.15 TT
11 Sue Aquila 26.34 22.58 TT
12 Loren Kruschke 27.07 22.13 Merckx
13 Erik Paavola 27.22 21.92 Merckx
14 Chris Bonham 27.45 21.62 TT
15 Travis Davies 27.49 21.57 Merckx
16 Brett Frommer 27.54 21.51 Merckx
17 Brittany Broyer 29.06 20.62 TT

Aug 13, 2012

MMSF TT #7 Tomorrow (Tuesday, August 14th)

Join us tomorrow night (Tuesday, August 14th) at 7:00pm in the Morgan-Monroe State Forest for the seventh time trial of the season! After this one, there are only two more left, so come and see what you can do on this 10-mile out-and-back course featuring several rolling hills and a blazing fast finish! First rider goes off at 7:00pm with subsequent riders going off at 30-second intervals. Come see if you can best your own best time and take on some good-natured competition! If you're riding out and want some company, a small group usually rolls out from behind BGI shortly after 6:00pm. And if you're looking for are the top Men's and Women's times for THIS YEAR:

TT: Jonathan Atwell 21:06
Merckx: Dave Able 24:15
L5 bike: Paul Smith 27:33

TT: Sarah Sanders 24:48 *Women's Course Record
Merckx: Sarah Fredrickson 27:33

Current Course Record still held by Ryan Shanahan at 20:31

Also, the first Wednesday 'Cross Worlds of the season will take place this coming Wednesday, August 15th.  Meet at Sample Gates at ~6:15pm and ride to the Tailgate Fields (the field between 14th, 17th, Fess and Woodlawn) or just meet there at 6:30pm.  Expect off road riding/cornering/barrier skills sessions in a lap riding format.  This is a great way to get into cyclocross if you've never done it before and a great way to train for those with CX experience.  Contact Adam Rodkey (812)-339-9970 or Fred Rose (812)-339-3457 with any questions.

Road Wednesday Worlds will depart from the Sample Gates at 6:00pm as usual.  The course this week is the challenging Forest-North Shore/South Shore loop.  Expect a larger turnout as IU students are starting to trickle back into town (and expect bad traffic - freshmen move-in is also this Wednesday).

Hope to see good turnouts at all of these events!

Aug 9, 2012


From Adam Rodkey:

We will be starting up the weekly cyclocross practice rides next Wednesday (8/15). We will plan to run these as off road riding/cornering/barrier skills sessions in a lap riding format. We will start at the Tail Gate Fields (the field between 14th, 17th, Fess and Woodlawn) at 6:30pm and possibly move around to other locations in later weeks.

All are welcome. If you're interested in CX, come ride w/ us!

Aug 3, 2012

IU Olympian

Ex of IU Ben Sharp on TV at the Olympics as US Womens Team coach. Any other Bloomington cyclist made/gonna make the big show?