Feb 2, 2009

What SR446 can tell us?

So as predicted there were plenty of riders out on 446 yesterday, it being the one road on which you could do a decent length ride that had the least crappy conditions in the area. This allowed the gaining of some interesting information about those folks riding out of or back toward Bloomington.
Little500 is now less than 3 months away so what did we learn about the teams that hope to be in contention? Two riders from the BKBs rode about 55miles at a rapid rate and were looking strong throughout. The Cutters were out with a good group of riders although their ensemble was splintering on the long drag coming back south of the lake. A group of Sammies with maybe a Delt and a Pi Phi or two were spotted rolling at a leisurely pace toward the lake in the early afternoon whilst the PDTs rode out of town with some pace at about 2pm and were seen back on 3rd Street at around 4.45pm. Finally a full team of Teters got in a solid 45miles on the IUCC ride.
So basically if you weren’t seen on 446 you either were back home by noon or left town after 2.30pm or you got really wet and possible crashed on another route! Things will only get more interesting from here on out!

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