Jan 14, 2013

IUCC Call-Out Meeting Tonight 9pm!

For those few stalwarts who still visit this blog - the IU Cycling Club will be holding its Spring call-out meeting tonight at 9pm at the Wilcox House.  If you're interested in joining the club, racing, etc. you are strongly encouraged to attend tonight.  Information can be found below:

What: Call out meeting for IU road cyclists and racers
Where: Wilcox House
When: January 14th @ 9:00 PM
Why: Discuss Spring 2013: racing, travel, waivers, lodging, weekend rides, practice races, nationals, collect dues* collect clothing order money** etc.

*Dues will be 50$ for collegiate racers, 25$ for club members
If you are new to collegiate racing, check out this link for more info on what IUCC is all about! http://velonews.competitor.com/2010/03/news/collegiate-cycling-whats-it-all-about_109906

** We want to have the clothes in town by Lindsay Wilson. In order to do this, if you ordered clothes, please bring your money for those items along with your due fees to the call out meeting. If you would like to pay using a credit/debit card you can email me at Gdewart@indiana.edu 

There is still time to place an order for clothing though! See Link Below:

UPDATE: If driving to the IUCC meeting, please park in the BILL ARMSTRONG PARKING LOT, not the Wilcox driveway. Thanks!

Jan 8, 2013



This week you can try any spin class at the SRSC for free! Here is the schedule: http://www.iurecsports.org/fall_cyclefit. (I know the link says fall, but that is currently the link to the spring schedule.) Come try it out, and if you like it, you can sign up for an eight-week series of 60-minute Little 500 Power Training sessions or a seven-week series of 45-minute CycleFit sessions. (Registered sessions start next week.)

 Check it out!
Randi Cox